Vision and Mission
- Ethos:
Like any society we in Ireland have our own scale of values. Our scale of values will inevitably have the most impact on our Educational system.
Our scale of values:
- Each human being is created in God’s image.
- He has a life to lead and a soul to be saved.
- All people are equal in the eyes of God – each is entitled to an equal chance of obtaining optimum personal fulfilment.
Education is therefore, concerned not only with life but with the meaning of life.
- The make-up of a child:
- Each child bears the stamp of its heredity.
- Each child is largely the product of its environment.
- A child’s development will greatly depend on the success or failure of the combined efforts of:
- most important – his/her Home
- his/her Church
- his/her School
- the influence that peers and commercialism may exert for good or bad.
Mission Statement
Our aim therefore will be to enable the child to live a full life as a child and to equip him/her to avail of further education so that he may go on to live a full and useful life as an adult in society.
- Our understanding of children:
- All children are complex human beings with physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs and potentialities.
- With this in mind each child should be provided with the kind and variety of opportunities towards stimulation and fulfilment which enable him to develop his/her fullest capacity.
- Our Curriculum must be thus developed to cater for:
- Child’s harmonious development.
- Children with widely varying natural and cultural backgrounds.
- Children’s needs in getting to know and value themselves, and forming objective standards of judgement and behaviour.
- Helping the child to learn through experience, how to live and co-operate in a responsible way with other adults and children.
4. Our Immediate Situation and Particular Aims:
“The educational system is a mechanism by which one generation transmits to the next the basic elements of the ever-increasing fund of human knowledge, the common culture of the society, the social habits, customs and national attitudes on which the health and cohesion of a society depend, and its religion, morality and ethics which in a fundamental sense determine the essential quality of the society and of the people who constitute it”.
5. Our Responsibility:
The formal education of every child enrolled in our school is our responsibility .